Looking for a new Adventure? Try Scuba Diving! It's your chance to discover unknown worlds, make new friends, and enjoy a unique passion.
There's nothing like it. Diving is much easier than you might think! Be
ready to enjoy the new challenge and dive into a new world! To truly enjoy your first trip under water you need a guide you can trust completely. A competent, well trained SSI Dive Leader
will teach you everything you need to know. Under their guidance you
will learn all required skills and become completely comfortable with
the equipment you're using during your first underwater adventure. Start
with SSI, and you get all the advantages of one of the biggest international diving associations:
worldwide recognition and proven learning methods in the latest media
formats. We're sure - once you've tried it you'll love it! Afterwards,
it only makes sense that you continue your adventure to become a certified diver.
Your Try Scuba certification card will be your first step. Achieve your
Open Water Diver certification within the following six months and your
Try Scuba open water dive will be recognized as one of the required dives.
來到墾丁近4年多,第一次於水下拍攝到這麼美的景色,暫且把這潛點稱為"墾丁新美景",從事潛水這活動多年,墾丁處於三面環海的絕佳位置。令相當多的潛水員趨之若鶩。 每年夏天墾丁各潛點皆人滿為患。在這秋冬季節更是水攝族群的最愛季節(因為人少水清),隨著潛水活動風氣日益提升﹐潛水這活動已成為大眾的另類休閒活動。 不管是人生首次初體驗-體驗濳水(Try Scuba Diving),或者因喜愛海洋而投入潛水員行列的證照課程(開放水域初級潛水員 Open Water Diver),在在都在近些年裡大大提升了台灣的潛水人口。 墾丁集天時、地利、人和之特色,當然爾成為眾多觀光客與潛水員的朝聖(探索海洋之美)天堂。地球上光是海洋就佔了72%,因此大海是無限寬廣等待我們一起去探索。